Olivia Cronk

Olivia Cronk

Recent-ish online writing

Peripety and/or Tronies (peripetyandortronies.blogspot.com)

OLIVIA CRONK / THE BOBBIES (always crashing)

Olivia Cronk - Hybrid - MER - Mom Egg Review (merliterary.com)

Review of Madison McCartha's "Freakophone World" (tskymag.com)

Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 1: Time Travel by Olivia Cronk and Philip Sorenson (Action Books)

Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 2: Scale, Conjecture, Gossip, Wah-Wah-Wah-ing by Olivia Cronk and Philip Sorenson (Action Books)

Notes Toward a Z-Axial Literature | Part 3: Toward a Time-Genre / A Good Stare by Olivia Cronk and Philip Sorenson (Action Books)

"I Cannot Resist the Terror": Essay by Olivia Cronk - Tarpaulin Sky Mag (tskymag.com)

The Rupture (therupturemag.com)

Vision as palimpsest: on Johannes Göransson's translations of Ann Jäderlund (The Critical Flame)

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Contact oecronk@gmail.com.